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Square root of 4489 by long division.
Here we doing this using long division method.
Online calculator which calculates the square root of a given number using long division ld method.
Ii 4489 therefore 4489 67 ex 6 4 1 find the square root of each of the following numbers by division method.
Iii 3481 rough 107 7 749 108 8 864 109 9 981 therefore 3481 59 ex 6 4 1 find.
Perform division as per steps shown below.
We use that thus square root of 2304 48 ex 6 4 1 find the square root of each of the following numbers by division method.
In the above example the number for which we have to calculate square root is 40.
Place a bar over every pair of digits starting from the unit digit.
Group the digits into pairs for digits to the left of the decimal point pair them from right to left.
The square is subtracted from the first set and the reaming set is written down.
Calculate square root of 5 using division method.
For digits after decimal point pair them from left to right.
Steps involved in square root by long division method.
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The square root of the number is witten on the left and the square on the right.
Subtract the 36 from the 40 which leaves 4 and enter a 6 as the first digit of.
The next single digit number is identified which when added to the previous square gives the number and is written down.
Square root of 40 using long division method.
Thus we have 05.